December 13, 2017
New New Westminster Secondary School
Contract Awarded for New School – Scheduled to Open September 2020
December 13, 2017 – The Ministry of Education and the New Westminster School District are thrilled to announce that Graham Design-Builders LP with KMBR Architects Planners Inc has been awarded the contract to design and build the new New Westminster Secondary School, scheduled to open in 2020.
In March 2017, three shortlisted teams were invited to respond to the Request for Proposals. Over the past few months, the Project Team has worked with the three shortlisted teams to discuss the Statement of Requirements, which was developed based on the Board of Education’s aspirational statements. After a thorough evaluation process, the Project Team has selected Graham with KMBR to move forward with the Project.
The School District signed and finalized the formal design-build contract with Graham and KMBR on December 9, 2017, and has been working with Graham and KMBR over the past few weeks to finalize the contract and further develop the design for our beautiful new school.